Peer-Reviewed Publications
2. Fan, F., Chan, K., Wang, Y., Li, Y., & Prieler, M. (2023). How influencers’ social media posts have an influence on audience engagement among young consumers. Young Consumers, 24(4), 427-444.
​1. Fan, F., Chan, K., & Wang, Y. (2022). Older Consumers’ Perceptions of Advertising with Celebrity Endorsement. Asian Journal of Business Research, 12(1).
Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations
15. Zhu, L., Wang, Y., & Kazemzadeh, M. Relating with Authentic and Attractive Influencers: Strategic Authenticity and Physical Attractiveness on Parasocial Interaction. The 109th National Communication Association (NCA), 16-19 November 2023, National Harbor, USA.
14. Wang, Y., & Lan, X. I Know You Know Who I Am: Analysis of the Usage of Anonymous Social Media applications among Friends and Acquaintances in China. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), 9-13 July 2023, Lyon, France.
13. Wang, Y., & Zhu, L. Acting Real: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Finfluencers’ Strategic Authenticity. The 21st International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), 29 June-1 July 2023, Bordeaux, France.
12. Zhu, L., Wang, Y., & Chen, Y. Sharenting in China: Perspectives from Mothers and Children. The 108th National Communication Association (NCA), 17-20 November 2022, New Orleans, USA.
11. Wang, Y. An Exploratory Study of Network Variety Shows. The 10th China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), 27-30 July 2022, Wuhan, China.
10. Wang, Y. An Exploratory Study of Variety Show of Non-local Arts – A Case Study on the Super Vocal in China. The 10th China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), 27-30 July 2022, Wuhan, China.
9. Wang, Y., & Chan, K. Analysis of Public Service Advertisements (PSAs) in Mainland China. The 10th China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), 27-30 July 2022, Wuhan, China.
8. Wang, Y. The Influence of Watching Make-Up Videos on Makeup Intentions among Younger Generation in China. The 27th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS). 27 June-1 July 2022. Virtual Conference.
7. Wang, Y. Would You Like to Go on A Date with Me? Exploring The Construction of Self-Presentation on Social Media Platforms. The 27th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS). 27 June-1 July 2022. Virtual Conference.
6. Wang, Y. Exploring the Emotional Visibility in the Online Workplace among Chinese. The 27th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS). June 27-July 1 2022. Virtual Conference.
5. Wang, Y. Analysis of Strategic Communication Strategies to Make the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Viral Under Media Convergence. The 6th Public Relations Scholars Conference (PRSC), 24-26 June 2022, Hangzhou, China.
4. Wang, Y., Luo, Y., & Chen, B. Using Celebrities in the Non-Profit Activity in China. The 20th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), 23-25 June 2022, Prague, Czechia.
3. Fan, F., Chan, K., Prieler, M., Li, Y., & Wang, Y. Analysis of Influencer Advertising on Social Media Posts and Its Influence on Audience Engagement. The 20th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), 23-25 June 2022, Prague, Czechia.
2. Huang, L., Xiong, Z., Luo, Y., Wu, Y., Wang, Y., & Yan, K. A Systematic and Thematic Review of Chinese Internet Studies in SSCI Communication Journals, 2010-2021. The 19th Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC), 23-24 May 2022, Hong Kong.
1. Wang, Y., Chan, K., & Fan, F. Older Consumers’ Perceptions of Advertising with Celebrity and Online Influencer Endorsement in China. The 9th China Marketing International Conference (CMIC), 12-15 August 2021, Nanchang, China.